Microsoft Great Plains every so often falls towards the situation, once the problem really sits in the MS SQL Server level and you must do SQL scripting in SQL Query Analyzer. Very good illustration of this is where you had been recovering company DB from backup and for whatever reason restoration process unsuccessful and clients are in permanent restoring limbo or marked as Suspicious in SQL Enterprise Manager. If you’re attempting to login GP provides you with error messages, beginning using the one concerning the error in Pallet Master table. Follow the following tips:
1.Make backup of Master database in SQL. This is required to roll back if our recommendation does not operate in your atmosphere. How you can restore master database – you need to read SQL Server Books online
2.Use sp_remove_db procedure to remove “Suspicious” database. Regrettably you can’t get it done in SQL Server Enterprise Manager. For this reason you’re doing so in Query Analyzer. If you’re not familiar, please read SQL Books online for that syntax from the command.
3.To reattach database use sp_attach_single_file_db, which enables you don’t cope with potentially corrupted log file. This command enables you to definitely restore database to production condition in SQL from DB MDB file. Normally you are able to reattach exactly the same DB file that was marked as Suspicious, because the file is most likely a good one and restoration unsuccessful somewhere on auxiliary steps. If you can’t reattach, then simply just attempt to restore from backup – now it can be done as DB does not exist
4.MS SQL Server version. This issue was common for SQL 2000. If you’re on SQL 2005, you can test our recommendations, however we never heard to date this issue on 2005
5.Additional recommendations. The possession from the DYNAMICS and company database should fit in with the function DYNSA. Should you restore from backup you reset possession to sa or domain administrator in the majority of the cases. We advise you to definitely change possession to DYNSA – we sometimes see condition in GP version upgrades, when possession is associated with different account.
The final component is the owner / shareholder equity, which is a capital investment in the company. It may include cash deposits, assets, goods or supplies. Company database property must be equal to all liabilities and owner / shareholders.