Ever wondered how a simple dental procedure could transform your smile and boost your confidence?

Well, look no further because today we will tell you how Northeast Philadelphia dentist are doing wonders that can make a huge difference in your oral health and aesthetics. Let’s explore the world of porcelain crowns. 

Benefits of Porcelain Crowns

  • Durability – Porcelain is a powerful and resilient substance, making crowns made from a highly durable material. With adequate care, they can last for many years, giving long-lasting results.
  • Stain Resistance – Unlike some other materials, porcelain is reluctant to stain. This means your crown will strengthen its natural image and won’t become discolored over time.
  • Biocompatibility – Porcelain is well-known by the body, decreasing the risk of allergic reactions or sensitivity issues that can occur with other materials.
  • Conservation of Tooth Structure – Porcelain crowns require limited removal of healthy tooth structures compared to other alternatives, such as metal crowns. This helps protect more of your natural tooth.
  • Comfort – Once suitably fitted and bonded, porcelain crowns feel comfortable in your mouth, just like your natural teeth.
  • Customization – Porcelain crowns are customized to match your natural teeth in terms of shape, size, and color. This assures a pleasing result.
  • Minimal Sensitivity – Porcelain crowns generally cause minimal sensitivity to temperature changes, making them satisfied to eat and drink with.

Porcelain Crown Technique 

  • Consultation – Your dentist will analyze your tooth to specify if a porcelain crown is the right therapy for your problem. They will examine factors like the extent of damage, the area of the teeth, and your usual oral health.
  • Tooth Preparation – If a crown is considered appropriate, your dentist will start by reading the tooth. This implicates eliminating any harmed portions and shaping the tooth to create space for the crown. 
  • Impressions – Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth. These impressions act as a mold for developing a custom-made crown that perfectly suits your tooth and aligns with your bite. 
  • Temporary Crown – Your dentist will place a temporary crown over the prepared tooth. This temporary crown safeguards the tooth and strengthens its appearance and function until the permanent crown is ready.
  • Crown Fabrication – Dental technicians will use the impressions to create your custom porcelain crown. They will carefully craft the crown to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth for a seamless result.
  • Crown Placement – The temporary crown is removed, and your dentist will check the fit and appearance of the permanent crown. 
  • Bonding – Once satisfied with the fit, your dentist will use the dental paste to bond the porcelain crown onto your ready tooth. 
  • Polishing – Any excess cement is discarded, and the crown is cleaned to give it a natural shine that matches your surrounding teeth. 

Result and Recovery 

Once your porcelain crown is positioned, you’ll instantly enjoy a natural-looking smile enhancement with better tooth function. Recovery is generally swift, with any minor sensitivity subsiding quickly. Strengthen good oral hygiene and regular check-ups for lasting crown success.