Classification on the basis of the shape of the spring material

There are five commonly used load cell shapes. They are as follows:

  1. Column type

It utilizes the simple structure and 2 strain gauges—one in the longitudinal and the other in the transverse. It can be used for tension as well as compression measurements.

  1. Roberval type or double beam type or parallel beam type

These load cell deem bending as the sensing principle. When force is applied to the Roberval type load cell, the first strain gauge contracts that the second stretches. The value relies upon the L, t and width of the beam. This structure is deal for the high precision load cells. Bending beams have high strain levels at low forces making them perfect for low capacity load cells.

  1. Sheer types

Here, the strain gauges are bonded at 45 degree angle on a neutral axis. These load cells can be shaped smaller than the Roberval type with the very same capacity. They are strongly resistant to the transverse loading and can be easily made highly precise. The measurement range is between 100kg and 20 T.

  1. Ring type

It is a high precision load cell and has an intermediate capacity ranging from 500kg to 20 T.

If you are keen to learn about plug and play smart load cells, visit our website.


  1. Rated capacity or rated load

The former is defined as the maximum load that the load cell can measure while meeting the specifications at the same time. Till the rated capacity, the outcome shouldn’t be impacted by an error that exceeds the maximum permissible error.

  1. Rated output

It is the difference where there is no load and when there is a load of rated capacity. It is expressed in output per excitation voltage or mV/V. It is also called as span.

  1. Overload safe

It is the maximum load that can be applied with no production of a permanent shift in the performance features which are beyond the specified. And as a percentage of the measuring range.

  1. Compensated Temperature Range

It is the temperature range in which there is the rated output and the zero balance where both are compensated in order to meet the load cell specifications.

  1. Zero Balance

It is the electrical output achieve when a rated excitation voltage is applicable with zero load on the cell. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the rated outcome.